Customer = The owner/driver of the vehicle covered by the policy
Client = The supplying dealer
Administrator = JP ASSIST
Lawgistics = Lawgistics Ltd
Repairer = A competent repairer of motor vehicles authorised to repair within the terms of the warranty on the vehicle covered by the policy
Warranty Management System = Software used to create and manage warranty documents
Credits =Form of Payment
Administration Period = The duration of each warranty
When the Client creates an Administered Warranty using the Warranty Management System, they are explicitly agreeing to the following terms.
Administrator/Client/Customer Relationship
All claims will be given a unique reference number referred to as the “Claim ID”.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Administrator will only advise a Customer to proceed with an agreed repair if the Client has given their authorisation.
Client authorisation can be given by either phone or an email to the Administrator, or by an update on the Warranty Management System.
Once a Client authorises a repair, by whatever means, the Administrator will proceed with the claim and the Client becomes liable for the authorised repair amount from that point.
Payments by the Client to the Repairer must be made by card or electronic transfer and made prior to the repair being undertaken unless otherwise agreed and noted on the Warranty Management System.
All vehicles must be registered on the Warranty Management System. Any Customers attempting to make claims on vehicles not yet registered with the Administrator will be referred back to the Client.
The Administrator will make every effort to maintain a rapid telephone answer response time but cannot guarantee a specific answer time.
Any concerns the Customer or Client has about the service being provided must be notified to the Administrator in writing and be within three days of the matter arising. The Administrator will investigate the issues raised and respond in due course.
Lawgistics/Client Relationship
Lawgistics will provide a Warranty Management System to allow the Client to register vehicles, manage claims and view repair histories. Basic reports will also be accessible via the online account. Bespoke reports may be requested by email but, depending on the complexity of the request, an additional charge may be applied.
The Client must be subscribing to Lawgistics’ Silver or Gold Membership to be eligible to access the Warranty Management System. If the membership lapses and/or goes into arrears, the service will be suspended.
Payment for each Administration Period must be madein advance in form of Credits. Credits and top up of Credits must be made via the Warranty Management System. Price is dependent on the duration of each warranty and is subject to the table below. The price for each option duration is subject to change and Lawgistics will provide Clients with at least one month’s notice of any such change.
Except for the circumstances set out in paragraph 13 below, if either the Client or Lawgistics wishes to terminate the service being provided, then either must give one month’s written notice to the other. If required, the Administrator will continue to support vehicles already registered until the expiry of the last policy.
If Lawgistics deem there to have been a serious breach by the Client of the terms, conditions, or parameters governing these Terms, Lawgistics reserves the right to terminate or temporarily suspend the service without notice until the issue is resolved to the satisfaction of Lawgistics.
Upon termination of the service, any fee already paid to Lawgistics for registration and administration of a warranty policy is not refundable.
All quoted prices are exclusive of VAT.
Warranty Administration Price Schedule
Driver Administration Period
3 months
6 months
1 year
2 years
3 years
Contact Us
Call us on 01480 455500 or schedule a callback via email.